Andrian Haworth
Andrian Hardy Haworth (1768-1833) was born in Cottingham, England. He was trained for the legal profession at an early age but quickly abandoned this career for natural history. Haworth has been the source of the generic name of Haworthia.

Haworth’s first work entirely on Aloeae was a contribution to the Transactions of the Linnean Society in 1801 entitled A new arrangement of the Genus Aloe, with a chronological sketch of the progressive knowledge of that Genus, and of Other Succulent Genera. This was an attempt to divide Linnaeus’ Aloe into sections, and his section Parviflorae ultimately became the genus Haworthia.
In his subsequent publications, notably Synopsis Plantarum Succulentum (1812), Supplementum Plantarum Succulentarum (1819), and Revisiones Plantarum Succulentarum (1821), Haworth described more new species and raised some varieties as species based on Duval‘s result. Many of his species are still recognized today.